- NMLS License/NMLS 牌照:全称Nationwide Multistate Licensing System,美国很多监管很严的行业(金融、医疗、保险等)中的公司必须要持有一个州的相关牌照才能在该州营业。换汇属于金融行业中的Money Remittance类业务,在美国提供换汇业务的公司都需提供各个州的Money Transmitter License才算在该州合法经营。
Wise (原Transferwise)
各国的金融监管License信息可在这个页面上清楚地查到,美国NMLS ID: 135129。
Wise Australia Pty Ltd is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) authorised as an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI) limited to a provider of purchased payment facilities (“PPF licence”). Our AFSL licence number is 513764. It is also a reporting entity with the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).
Belgium and the European Economic Area (EEA)
Wise Europe SA, is a Payment Institution authorised by the National Bank of Belgium, incorporated in Belgium with registered number 0713629988 and registered office at Avenue Louise 54, Room s52, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, with passporting rights across the EEA.
Wise Brasil Corretora de Câmbio Ltda. is an exchange brokerage firm authorised by the Central Bank of Brazil, incorporated under CNPJ 36.588.217/0001-01 and with registered office at Avenida Paulista, 2537, Andar 10, Conj 102, Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, CEP 01311-300. Wise Brasil Pagamentos Ltda is a payment institution, issuer of electronic money, not yet subject to authorization by Central Bank of Brazil, under the terms and as authorised under BCB Resolution No. 80 of March 25, 2021, registered with the CNPJ/MF under No. 40.571.694/0001-31, with offices in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Avenida Paulista 2537, 10 andar, cj. 102, Bela Vista, CEP 01.311-300. Wise Pagamentos is part of the prudential conglomerate led by Wise Corretora.
Wise Payments Canada Inc. is registered with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) as a Money Service Business (MSB) with registration number M15193392. It also has an MSB licence with the Authorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) under licence number 902804.
Hong Kong
Wise Payments Limited is regulated by the Customs and Excise Department (CCE) of Hong Kong and is licensed as a Money Service Operator (MSO) with licence number 15-01-01584.
Wise Payments India Private Limited is approved by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for facilitating outward remittances from India under the guidelines set out by RBI in the FED Master Direction No. 19 2015/2016.
PT Wise Payments Indonesia is licensed by Bank Indonesia as a Fund Transfer Operator under licence number 21/304/DKI/B/14-001.
Wise Payments Japan K.K. is regulated by the Kanto Local Financial Bureau (registration number 00040) and licensed as a Funds Transfer Service Provider.
Wise Payments Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is regulated under the laws of by Malaysia Bank Negara Malaysia as a licensed remittance, money-changing and e-money issuance business.
New Zealand
Wise Payments Ltd operates as a foreign entity. It is not licensed by a New Zealand regulator to provide its services. However it is supervised by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) for anti-money laundering purposes.
The Philippines
Wise Pilipinas Inc. is licensed by the Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (BSP) as a Remittance and Transfer Company (RTC) with a Type “C” Electronic Money Issuer (EMI) / Money Changing (MC) / Foreign Exchange Dealing (FXD) registration with institution code 53-0044-00-000.
Wise Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd. is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) as 1.) a Major Payment Institution under the Payment Services Act 2019 (PSA) and 2.) has a Capital Market Services Licence under the Securities and Futures Act 2001 for Dealing in Capital Market Products.
United Kingdom
Wise Payments Limited is authorised as an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) with registration number 900507.
TINV Limited is authorised to carry out investment activities by the FCA with registration number 839689.
United States
Wise US Inc. is registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and renews its registration annually. It is licensed as a money transmitter in the states listed here, and supervised by regulatory authorities in each of those states.
In other US states and/or territories, money transmission services are offered by our partner financial institution Community Federal Savings Bank, which is supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of Currency.
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Wise Nuqud Ltd is regulated by the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) under authorization number 190011.
在美国的金融监管License信息可在这个页面上清楚地查到,NMLS ID: 1028236。其他国家的License一般在针对该国用户的网页底部能看到,比如
Panda Remit (熊猫速汇)
官网:www.pandaremit.com,成立于2018,Panda Remit (中文名叫熊猫速汇 / 熊猫换汇 / 熊貓速匯 / 熊貓匯款)成立于香港,隶属于Wo Transfer (HK) Limited,旨在为海外华人提供安全、便捷、价格公道的汇款服务,让汇款能像给家人发微信红包一样简单。公司拿到过知名风投公司红杉中国的种子轮投资,迄今已经帮助全球华人完成了超过一百万笔跨境汇款!。服务评测可见我们这篇文章。
熊猫速汇在美国虽然提供换汇服务,但其官网并没有查到任何美国MLNS的披露信息,换汇君用了九牛二虎之力才在NMLS系统中找到了它们的注册申请信息,NMLS ID:1954471 (注意和上面公司比,它们只获得了11个州的运营牌照)
Panda Remit US Office:
1001 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204Money Transmission Services provided by Community Federal Savings Bank: https://www.cfsb.com/
结合它们的熊猫速汇用户使用条款推断,意思是说最终提供换汇服务的是一个叫Community Federal Savings Bank的合作伙伴银行,熊猫速汇的作用更接近于一个经纪商,就像买机票时的票务代理商。
换汇君并非公司法的业内人士,这里只是阐述下个人意见:熊猫速汇在美国业务这块的牌照有点浑水,责任界限不是很清楚;官网的Privacy Policy链接竟然直接指向了CFSB的privacy policy,真惹上官司这个也可能会是个被攻击的点。
Swapsy的业务是P2P换汇市场平台,只经营美元人民币的对敲,美国以外的用户无法使用该平台的服务。换汇君只能查到它们的MSB Registration记录但查不到它们的NMSL。
Swapsy的MSB Registration记录
Western Union (西联汇款)
西联汇款 Western Union 创建于1851年,是老牌的国际汇款公司,拥有世界上最大最先进的电子汇兑金融网络。西联汇款的代理网点遍布全球近200个国家和地区,它们也提供在线换汇服务。
在美国的金融监管License信息可在这个页面上清楚地查到,美国境内公司NMLS ID: 906983,国际业务公司NMLS ID: 906985。
万里汇 (WorldFirst) 作为蚂蚁集团全资子公司,是一个专业的跨境支付、跨境收款、跨境电商收付、全球收款付款平台。支持亚马逊Amazon、Paypal、速卖通AliExpress、Lazada、Shopify等跨境电商、独立站和外贸收款,拥有 19 年跨境支付经验,安全可靠。
Payoneer 派安盈 (www.payoneer.com)
蓝蚁咨询 (www.lanyiit.com)
官方简介:易派(Epay),更安全、快速、优惠的全球支付提供商! 于2014年在香港成立,全球研发中心设于深圳,在美国、英国等地均设有公司,持有包括香港、美国在内的全球多国多地支付牌照或资质,为全球用户提供本地收款、全球汇款、货币兑换、人民币结汇等综合性金融服务。易派以”科技创新”引领金融服务,以“致力于做全球最受欢迎的支付系统”为经营宗旨,布局跨国支付的清算中心,链接全球支付渠道和商家,引领全球支付创新发展格局。
以上就是换汇君对全球换回公司的“尽调”报告了,本人非专业人士,上述信息仅供参考,希望对大家有所帮助!如果你发现有任何纰漏、错误,或者有任何问题,欢迎在下方评论区留言分享 ❤️